Full moon weekend at Nutbush Bridge

This was our second time at a campsite in the Minniebago. I have been to this particular campsite before, but I forgot how wonky it is! It's actually two sites on the same long pull-through drive. Funny thing... I booked the site for Friday through Monday (guessing past me though I'd have Monday off for Easter weekend). I'd already taken Thursday off, so thankfully I was able to nab the same spot for that additional night.

Setting up is getting easier and easier. We put in a better mattress for this trip, which was a huge improvement. I feel like we also had some other improvements, but that was definitely the biggest one. The rug was something I didn't realize the previous owner had left in the trailer, which really cut down on tracking in dirt/grime from outside.
On Friday, we played a game of Wingspan outside, which was great! I've been playing it a lot on the iPad, but this was our first time playing the physical version. An excellent two-player game, but I'm sure it would make for a good 3-5 player game, too.
I did some road riding later that afternoon while Corey played video games in the trailer with the dogs. The ride would have been perfect, had it not been for the cars, oof. For the most part, they were very nice about giving me plenty of room, but there was a point where three cars were behind me—coming up fast—and three cars ahead of me—coming fast in my direction. I decided to pull over and let the ones behind me pass, even though it wasn't a great spot to pull over.

Another couple and their toddler showed up on Friday, and we ended up chatting with them a little bit. They had a very similar-sized trailer (one of the Flagstaff E-Pro models, probably the E19FD). We didn't see a whole lot of them, since we spent most of Saturday inside. It was gusty outside, and there weren't any good hiking trails nearby. We did end up walking around one of the other campsite loops that was closed for whatever reason, which was good for the dogs.

While inside on Saturday, we played another game of Wingspan, confirming my suspicion that it would (barely) fit on the dinette table. It's quickly becoming a bit of an obsession for me. I keep asking Corey when we can play another game!

Saturday night was a full moon, so I made sure to wander outside and look at the lake for awhile (see featured photo). It was positively gorgeous out, and I heard a ton of fish flopping around in the water. At one point, a huge heron landed about five feet away from me! I tried to take a photo, but it noticed me move and flew off too quickly for me to snap anything.
The dogs did really well overall. Some barking here and there, but I feel like they were really chill by the third day... right about the time we were packing up to leave, haha.
As per our post-camping ritual, we stopped at Bojangles and Starbucks on the way home. Got the trailer unloaded in about an hour, and now it's settled into storage for the next two weeks until our next trip: Henderson Point Campground—at Kerr Lake again.